[PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM ( & &  
Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos]
NOTE: This blog is dedicated to the hours of 6 AM to 7 AM; posting at other times, is at my discretion...  
KNOWING WHAT YOU'RE WORTH | Joker dark knight, Joker images, Joker (  
Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael27009118) / Twitter 

VIDEO FEATURE: Ayesha Curry & Hailey Bieber eat Jamaican food & play charades | WHO'S IN MY BATHROOM? - YouTube

VIDEO CAPTION: "In the thumbnail (display photo) of the prior video, Ayesha Curry kind of looks like Megan Fox (as she poses by Hailey Bieber)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see: Ayesha Curry & Hailey Bieber eat Jamaican food & play charades | WHO'S IN MY BATHROOM? - YouTube &

The World According to Megan Fox | Glamour

NOTE: On this blog, video posting past post #272... is 'limited/discretion-based'...


5:47 PM (6/12/22):

"A nice meal, towards a day's end..." - 403 Woman

"Indeed, 403 Woman..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:52 PM (6/12/22): "I was at unit 403, from 3/21/20 to 10/25/20 (where I cohabited, with my dad... until his death, on 10/8/20)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:46 PM (6/12/22):

(some macaroni and a fried chicken leg, from 4:03 PM... today)


3:37 PM (6/12/22): "With God, all things are possible... but only if you genuinely believe in Him (Jesus Christ), given that your belief must be valid... and substantiated..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:32 PM (6/12/22):

"One cannot hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, if one's actions are at odds... with one's words... A blazed trail consists of many steps, even though some are shorter... than others, and can get someone to a particular destination... quicker..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:29 PM (6/12/22):

"Jesus asked, ‘Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?’ Then He pointed to His disciples and said, ‘Look, these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven, is my brother and sister and mother!’…” - Matthew 12:48-50 [Jesus Christ, on the ‘Family of God (F.O.G.)’] 


2:48 PM (6/12/22):
"Interesting article... there are some phenomenal performances, in track and field..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Courtney Wayment sets NCAA record in steeplechase (


1:40 PM (6/12/22):

"I had decided to try on a set of sweat-like pants, that I had yet to wear... as of today... Nevertheless, due to their density and quality... I will refrain from wearing them, hereafter... I have gone through a number of jeans, that were subject to tearing... from moisture, and friction... in the recent past..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:37 PM (6/12/22):

(a McChicken, as of 1:30 PM... today)


10:38 AM (6/12/22):

"A nice, nostalgic tune... that I first encountered, in 2019... Such may have been reuploaded..." - Michael Izuchukwu
dj poolboi - like we were the last two people on earth - YouTube


10:38 AM (6/12/22):

"Imagine traveling through space, millions of miles beyond the Kuiper Belt's furthest extent (around the eighth planet from our sun, which is Neptune)... When you listen to the music at 4:54:55-5:05:25, and gaze at the featured, distant stars... do you think you will encounter an extraterrestrial civilization... if you venture, far enough?

you're lost in space for 10 hours and 1 second - YouTube


7:26 AM (6/12/22): 

"A nice song, that is energizing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10 Years - Fix Me (Official Video) - YouTube

7:32 AM (6/12/22):

" songs, perhaps..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Coldplay - Fix You (Official Video) - YouTube


7:12 AM (6/12/22):

"There are unique properties in food, influencing one's overall energy level... based off the way, in which they are metabolized... Energy level is reflected by many variables, such as alertness, stamina and efficiency..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:48 AM (6/12/22): 

"From my personal experience, I would attest that dietary intake and physical fitness... influence the disposition and vitality, one has... Such can be instrumental in the workplace, for occupations that may require periods of standing... or attentiveness..." - Michael Izuchukwu

House And Stacy Getting Serious | House M.D. - YouTube

6:55 AM (6/12/22): 
"It may be ideal, for there to be fluidity in the workplace... regarding 'frequencies' at which employees, operate... particularly, when they have joint efforts..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:40 AM (6/12/22):

(scrambled eggs, accompanied by a chili-like substance... from 6:33 AM, today)


9:14 PM (6/11/22): "The will to survive, is inextricably linked... to the aim, to endure... but of greater intensity... Such is a reflection, of the human spirit's magnitude..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:47 PM (6/11/22): "A life based off spiritual ignorance, is not worthwhile... given that such tends to be secular, inhibiting one from understanding that which may be necessary... to affirm the veracity, of the supernatural..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:33 PM (6/11/22):
"One of the strangest things, I've read..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Do you know him? Police trying to identify man who doesn't know own name (


8:30 PM (6/11/22):

"Thought-provoking speech, by a high school valedictorian... regarding life, in general..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Valedictorian Rips Speech and Goes Rogue - YouTube


8:18 PM (6/11/22):

"Interesting article, which has ambiguous implications... A 25-year-old being in a relationship with a 55-year old, is the equivalent of a 20-year-old... doing the same, with a 44-year-old... regarding the proportionality, of the respective age groupings..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Woman, 25, defends 'fairytale' relationship with 55-year-old boss (


8:06 PM (6/11/22): 

"Many paths in life lead to the same destination, while there are other times where a single path... diverges... leading to multiple. Nevertheless, certain checkpoints must often be passed... if one seeks to reflect on where one has been... in a way that is more ideal, than when one was visiting... for the first time..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:56 PM (6/11/22):

"Soothing video, in which a bedtime story... is narrated... I found the ending humorous..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neildegrassetyson) • Instagram photos and videos


5:46 PM (6/11/22):

"Interesting video... 

I am 29, but people think I'm's why.. - YouTube

I agree with what this female says, about the 'compression of experiences' over a certain period of time... and how such may influence one's perception, by others... given that everyone partakes in this phenomenon, to a differing degree...

...Aside from the distinction between biological (how old one appears to be, regarding physiology) and chronological age (how long one has been on Earth), there is the notion that each human is like a vector... with magnitude and direction, which is refined by what one does... in the context of the spirit, mind and body... regarding his/her use of time..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:58 PM (6/11/22):

“For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants… and delivered unto them, his goods…” – Matthew 25:14

Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents - YouTube


4:46 PM (6/11/22):

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father…” – Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)


4:40 PM (6/11/22):

"Interesting video title... I have encountered a number of videos on YouTube, which could be worded better ('Chipotle offers manager her job back, after being fired for viral video'... would be an improvement)... Syntax ('word order') is important, in the English language..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Chipotle Offers Manager Fired After Viral Video Her Job Back - YouTube


4:30 PM (6/11/22):

"A nice tune, that I feel characterizes my views on what my roommate just disclosed to me... regarding his present status quo.." - Michael Izuchukwu
Ra's al Ghul Theme 1 hour | Calm Ambience Mix | Batman Begins Soundtrack - YouTube


4:14 PM (6/11/22):

"Recap of a blog I had been working on... 

Michael Izuchukwu (11TJK11) - Profile | Pinterest

Moments ago, my present roommate (as of 5/19/22) told me that he is 28 years old... and never went to college... I made the inquiry as to why, but he displayed apathy... expressing that he and his parents argue, a lot... He gave the impression there was no enforcement/encouragement, for him to attend... and thus, without the 'used phone' I recently gave to him (as a gift)... I wonder how he would spend his time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo of my roommate, listening to music via YouTube... from 5:10 PM, today)

NOTE: My roommate said he's lived in New Jersey, his whole life... and yet, has never been to New York City... even though the train station, is within walking distance...

4:19 PM (6/11/22): 
"My present roommate is more tolerable and amicable, than the prior one... who was unruly, and delinquent..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Roommate going nuts, in the hallway of my dominion (East Orange, NJ - 9:42 AM on 3/24/22) - YouTube


11:55 AM (6/11/22): 

"Muscle weighs more than fat, and may affect the authenticity... of 'body mass index' readings... Daily exercise, proper diet/nutrition and abstinence from drugs and alcohol... can optimize one's outlook, in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:52 AM (6/11/22):

"Healthy lifestyle choices, are necessary... for those who may have interests, in the prospect... of not only longevity, but 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:47 AM (6/11/22):

(corn, topped with some leftover pork chops... which was broken into bits, as of 11:31 AM... today)


7:35 AM (6/11/22):

"Everyday, one tends to awaken in the same place... as the day before. People sleep for varying amounts of hours, but the effects of spacetime are subtly different... for each of them. Such is attributable to the fact that one's physiology/physicality... impacts his/her perception... of time's flow..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:10 AM (6/11/22): "Everyday is a new adventure, a new beginning... to start anew... Days on Earth, last 24 hours... but on Mars, such are called 'sols'... Time passes differently, on different planets..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:55 PM (6/10/22):

"Imagine being in a country, where you did not speak the predominant... native language... Body language is crucial, in such situations..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:40 PM (6/10/22):

"Interesting video, where a graduate lip syncs to Nicki Minaj's song 'Moment 4 Life'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 Life (MTV Version) (Official Music Video) ft. Drake - YouTube


10:59 PM (6/10/22):

"The following is a nice song, that I was just reminded of...

Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane (Official Video) - YouTube

...such sounds good, if played as the background... to the following speech, by President John F. Kennedy... regarding the 'Cuban Missile Crisis'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Oval Office Address on the Cuban Missile Crisis - John F. Kennedy - Oct. 22, 1962 - YouTube



4:41 PM (3/31/22):

"Interesting video about the Fermi Paradox. Personally, I believe it is a statistical certainty that we humans are not alone, in the cosmos... the vastness of such, likely accounts for the lack of interaction... among contrasting extraterrestrial species..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Fermi Paradox: Can An Alien Civilization See Us? - YouTube 


1:59 PM (3/31/22): 

"When I was younger (age 6 perhaps), my passion was for the cosmos... and galactic exploration... I still retain such, but would like to be more tangible about that interest..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

(a view of Earth, from above)

Carl Sagan teaching at his former school - YouTube


8:26 AM (3/31/22):

(delicacies I began to consume, as of 1:34 PM... yesterday)


8:25 AM (3/31/22):

(my mom eating her muffin, from 1:05 PM... yesterday)


8:17 AM (3/31/22): 

(photo of Panda Garden and Dunkin Donuts, in Newark, NJ... from 1:06 PM, on 3/30/22... My mom got a muffin from the latter, while I acquired an egg roll... and some chicken and broccoli, from the former)


7:08 AM (3/31/22):

"Interesting 'Usain Bolt' analysis video, regarding the 2015 World Athletics Championship... in Beijing, China... My mom was born in Jamaica, and formerly would speak much... of Usain's accolades..." - Michael Izuchukwu

`Because he is Usain Bolt - YouTube


10:10 PM (3/30/22): "Informative article, about a star so far away... that traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles/second)... it would take 12.9 billion years, to reach such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Hubble Space Telescope Spots Most Distant Star Ever Seen ( 


10:08 PM (3/30/22): "Interesting video of a young, African American female... who does not want to work, in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


10:04 PM (3/30/22): "Everyone has their own interpretation of the meaning of life, giving such subjectivity... but perhaps there is an objective meaning, such as life's meaning being to discover... the meaning... Thoughts carry tremendous weight, molding the lives we live... by refining the actions, we take..." - Michael Izuchukwu

There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith - YouTube 


9:32 PM (3/30/22): "Just was visited by my youngest brother, Joe, and my Uncle Chuka... They stopped by to say hello, and were in the vicinity... My uncle lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and had been in Piscataway, NJ... a few days ago... so it was a nice, albeit brief... reunion..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

(me, my Uncle Chuka, and brother, Joe... from 9:15 PM, on 3/30/22)


6:42 AM (3/30/22): 

"To my understanding, regarding higher dimensions... for those less than '262', the volume of a sphere... is less than, the volume of a cube... For those greater than or equal to '262', the volume of a sphere is greater than that of a cube ..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

6:59 AM (3/30/22):

"I am uncertain how the aforementioned checkpoint, was derived..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:29 AM (3/30/22): 

"Personally, I don't think extraterrestrials are attempting to communicate with humans... via the same mediums, that we utilize... to make contact, with them... There may be markers they leave behind, which relate to those of humans... regarding 'technosignatures' that indicate the presence, of 'extraterrestrial civilizational development'... but the means for identifying them, likely need some fine-tuning..." - Michael Izuchukwu
How Humans Can Communicate With Aliens - YouTube 


6:23 AM (3/30/22): 
"There are those who do things for a living, and then those who live... to do things... There is a distinction, which refines our realities..." - Michael Izuchukwu

ASKING MANSION OWNERS... "What do you do for a living?" - YouTube 


8:47 PM  (3/29/22): 

"Interesting song, that I recently heard of..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Mitski - Washing Machine Heart - YouTube 


3:47 PM (3/29/22):

(a photo of a starry sky, with a plethora of stars)


3:43 PM (3/29/22): 
"There are over 8.7 million species of plants and animals, on Earth... yet, most are hardly ever seen in real-life... by those living in metropolitan or suburban areas (among other regions).... Ants have constructed anthills, while humans have constructed pyramids... and such attests, to the elusiveness and prevalence... of life... in the natural world..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

David Attenborough's | Ant Mountain - YouTube


7:56 AM (3/29/22):

"Interesting scenes from 'The Flash' TV series, referencing time travel and the 'Reverse-Flash'... Eobard Thawne..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Flash Go Back in Time & Met with Eobard Thawne - YouTube &

The Flash 1x15 - Harrison Wells Reveals Himself as Eobard Thawne & Kills Cisco [HD] - YouTube


7:53 AM (3/29/22): "Interesting article on Ezra Miller, who I know plays the 'The Flash' TV character... I formerly watched the TV series 'The Flash,' in which there were 'meta-humans'... Maybe that's where Mark Zuckerberg, got the idea for the 'metaverse'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

'Justice League' star Ezra Miller arrested in Hawaii on disorderly conduct, harassment charges ( 


6:12 AM (3/29/22):

"Some nice eggs (in an omelette style), with vegetables... from 5:15 AM, on 10/19/20... Haven't eaten such, in a while (in this fashion)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:09 AM (3/29/22):

"The music in this video, encapsulates my present mood... Nostalgic, and transportive..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Hiko's Japanese Words of Wisdom - YouTube 


6:02 AM (3/29/22): "A video of an overweight African American female, potentially lamenting about her physiological inefficiency... Daily exercise is necessary, for a certain vitality..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Wendy Pittman on Instagram: “Repost from @girlsareawesome __ #justperfect • “you’re not behind babe, you’re where you need to be for your journey — that’s all.…” 


10:46 AM (3/28/22): “At 10:43 AM today, my roommate said he ‘got into college’… His dad visited him, and said he could give him a ride to the campus of Essex County… I asked him what month is his birthday, and he said ‘August’… after I theorized such was ‘February’… My roommate then told me he would be turning ’30,’ but then I remarked, ‘did you not say a few weeks ago, that you were 28…?’ He then told me he was born in 1993, and started doing calculations in his head… to figure out his age… I then explained to him, that he would not be turning 30, until the year 2023… and after a few seconds, he said ‘oh,’ before exiting the room… This tells me that he is either unintelligent, or deliberately ‘mischievous’…” – Michael Izuchukwu 

3:26 PM (3/28/22): "Moments ago, my roommate returned from his trip to Essex County College... and remarked to one of the staff members, that he had an issue... due to some type of 'probation'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:28 PM (3/28/22): "He was looking at his phone, about 5 to 10 minutes ago... and I am certain he was staring at a black and white, side-by-side photo of himself (a mugshot)... in some database, perhaps (when I gazed, out of the corner of my eye)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:14 AM (3/28/22):

"My dad died on 10/8/20... and he left no will... I do believe that his Mercedes and Range Rover (along with some furniture and miscellaneous household items), are in storage... and that expense, is covered by someone... whose name, I know not of..." - Michael Izuchukwu

My e-mail is" - Michael Izuchukwu

Château de la Roche, Alpine, NJ - YouTube &

South Orange Middle School (South Orange, NJ - Fall 2019) - YouTube &

Find 'bella_papillion' on TikTok | TikTok Search

6:30 AM (3/28/22): "I just started thinking to myself, that given how time passes when one showers/bathes... in the context of spacetime, I may have 'conquered' the Extended Stay America hotel (in Elizabeth, NJ)... in the sense, of such always 'being with me'... given merely viewing the following the video, reignites memories of the 'actual moment' in which such was transpiring... which adds a 'realistic component,' to merely imagining... such is of the 'present moment'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Doing the math, in the bubble bath - YouTube


5:03 AM (3/28/22): 
"Interesting video, in which some New Jersey mansions are viewed... from the exterior..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Home GOALS 🏘️ .. MANSIONS In Saddle River, N.J.‼️‼️ 🏡. #drivingtour #mansions #homes - YouTube 


4:55 AM (3/28/22): 

"In this video, the words 'athletes, politicians and entertainers' resonated with me, in the sense that such formulates the acronym 'A.P.E.'... Perhaps such is covert discrimination..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(1) America's Black upper class - Rich, successful and empowered | DW Documentary - YouTube (0:33-0:40)


3:55 PM (3/27/22): "A seemingly interesting course, offered by Harvard University - 'Foundations and Frontiers, of Modern Chemistry'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


3:19 PM (3/27/22):

(photo of my roommate's legs, from 3:14 PM... today... He has some protruding veins, likely attributable to his 'aggressor temperament'... his frequent smoking, may also be a factor)

3:21 PM (3/27/22): 
"He just got off the phone, saying he got into school... I surmise such is Essex County College, based off a sheet displaying courses... that I saw, the other day..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:39 AM (3/27/22):



10:57 AM (3/27/22):
"How I feel, at present..." - Michael Izuchukwu

S.T.A.Y. - YouTube 


10:53 AM (3/27/22):
"A TV my dad never turned on (except a couple times or so), when I had cohabited with him for 6 (of 7) months... at my former apartment complex... which I thought was strange... He had his own (a mini version) in his office, that was on... intermittently... but he would not let me watch my own, even though such had been imported into the apartment... with the furniture (yellow couches), from our former home... in the Pine Creek neighborhood..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud) • Instagram photos and videos 


10:37 AM (3/27/22):

"The first 50 seconds of this song, I find most intriguing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Blood Diamond - Solomon Vandy (James Newton Howard) - YouTube 


10:32 AM (3/27/22): 
"The professional background... of my dad..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Dr. John I. Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE | The ELD Expert Witness Directory (

"Between 2006 and 2020, he had had 4 heart surgeries..." - Michael Izuchukwu

About | Michael Izuchukwu (


10:26 AM (3/27/22): 
"I haven't watched the following movie, in quite some time... I did, when I had a videocassette recorder or DVD player, where I used to live... in Chesterfield, MO..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Jurassic Park (1993) - Welcome to Jurassic Park Scene (1/10) | Movieclips - YouTube &



10:22 AM (3/27/22):

(photo of my roommate, sleeping... at 1:07 PM... yesterday)


10:13 AM (3/27/22): "News to me..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:06 AM (3/27/22): "Interesting rally, in which 'empty grocery shelves' is mentioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:03 AM (3/27/22): "A nice collection... of tunes..." - Michael Izuchukwu

music that helps you escape reality // dark electronic mix - YouTube


9:53 AM (3/27/22): "Just came back from ShopRite.... on my return, I was approached by '2' individuals... one (a female) who attested to not having eaten in 3 days (they wanted me to make purchases, for them)... They seemed to have a ghetto vibe and I suspected the claim was disingenuous... when walking away, the female belligerently continued to request... it was not so much what she said, but how she said such... that dissuaded me....

...I just had acquired some oranges..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:40 PM (3/26/22): "Scene from the 'Prince of Egypt' movie, where those words surfaced... in my mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Prince of Egypt: Moses Shows the Power of God [1080p] Playing with the Big Boys Song - YouTube 


6:35 PM (3/26/22): "In my heart, you are my brother..." - Moses

The Prince of Egypt (1998) - Parting the Red Sea Scene (9/10) | Movieclips - YouTube 

NOTE: "Such words from Moses, resonate with me... family dynamics, can be complex..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:26 PM (3/26/22): 

"In terms of relativity, I would much rather eat the chicken sandwich featured in this video (that is consumed by the Asian female), than a McChicken from McDonald's..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Doobydobap Loves Jollibee - YouTube 


6:24 PM (3/26/22): "Interesting soundtrack, from the movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'... I never watched the whole film series, though..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Jack Sparrow - YouTube 


10:49 AM (3/26/22): 



10:48 AM (3/26/22): "Insightful article, about the first meals eaten by lunar astronauts..." - Michael Izuchukwu

This Was The First Meal Ever Eaten On The Moon (


10:37 AM (3/26/22):
"Interesting video of an Asian dude, going through a routine... with a fluidity, that would make one entertain the notion... that he treats his life, like a videogame..." - Michael Izuchukwu

02/24/22 - arm day + thai food #vlog #fyp #fitness #ShowUsYourDrawers ( 


10:32 AM (3/26/22):

(lunch from 2:42 PM, yesterday)


8:25 PM (3/20/22): "Sweden seems to have produced a number of distinguished athletes, aside from Armand Duplantis... My favorite triple jumper has been Christian Olsson (of Sweden), even though Jonathan Edwards (of Great Britain) is still the triple jump world record holder..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Video Doubler (a triple jump remix, I formerly made)

(a photo of Christian Olsson and Jonathan Edwards, in the past...)


8:18 PM (3/20/22): "Video footage, of a former Rice University track teammate of mine (Jason Colwick)... from 2009... In contrast to the former vaulter, he pole vaults 5.55 and 5.60 meters (18'2" and 18'4", respectively)... His personal best vault during his collegiate career, in which he was a two-time NCAA champion... was 5.72 meters (18'9")..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Jason Colwick - ncaa indoor 2009 - YouTube


8:12 PM (3/20/22):

"Incredible performance, by pole vaulter Armand Duplantis... setting a new world record in the pole vault, today... at 6.20 meters (20'4")... Someone made an error, with the following video title..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Armand Duplantis clears 5.20 for New World Record - YouTube &

Men's pole vault world record progression - Wikipedia


(photo from Virginia Beach, VA... in the summer of 2019)

7:12 PM (3/20/22): "Everyday is a new adventure, a new step one must take... towards some 'ultimate destination'... Carpe diem..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:52 PM (3/20/22): 

"Agreed..." - Runner Woman


6:49 PM (3/20/22): "There are a myriad of ways, one can exercise... jogging can be beneficial for cardiovascular health, and for burning 'extra calories'... after the consumption, of certain foods..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:46 PM (3/20/22):



4:37 PM (3/20/22): "Interesting college life video, with funny 'mini-commercial' breaks..." - Michael Izuchukwu 



3:41 PM (3/20/22):

“There are people who invented the TV… a box that flashes lights…” – Young Dude

“I already knew that…” – Young Dude’s Father

“Indeed… Over time, design improvements have been made… but I always wonder, about the prototypes… for such…” – Young Dude 


2:40 PM (3/20/22):

"Life is a test to see what is done, with the given time... There are many ways to spend such... but one should be mindful of the interplay of the spirit, mind and body... and how time is not only fleeting and irreversible, but that in its flow... we humans are approaching our respective 'ultimate destinations'... some see such as either heaven or hell, for instance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Alan watts... what do you desire - YouTube 


2:33 PM (3/20/22): "An aspect of genuine spirituality, is being altruistic... The detachment from worldly burdens, requires a certain degree of self-awareness... encompassing certain attributes, that are embedded with the teachings... of Jesus Christ (who now performs the function of God, in the spirit realm)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Where did God come from ? - Best answer - YouTube 


2:17 PM (3/20/22):
"I just bought my roommate some $5 silver headphones, from Forman Mills... He was quite appreciative, but such was a means... of being able to get some 'rest' at night, given without them... he has a tendency to blast music, on his cellphone... This was his third headphone set, given he lost his former ones... and the ones before that..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


10:59 AM (3/20/22): 
"I saw this movie in theatres, in 2014... Such may have partially inspired me, to begin writing a text called the 'Advanced Instructions Before Leaving Earth (A.I.B.L.E.)'... which was originally 752 pages in length (written between 2014 and 2020), before I condensed such to 497... Such likely needs further revision, but likely was the framework... that led to me creating the 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation'... which consists of 36 pages (at present)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) - Magneto vs Mystique - YouTube 

(word, page count, of 'D.L. Theory')

[word, page count of 'AIBLE (condensed)']


10:40 AM (3/20/22):
"Given that I was at the Extended Stay America hotel (in Elizabeth, NJ), for about 3 weeks (as of 10/25/20, in the aftermath of my dad's death... and transitioning back to New Jersey, after having spent 7 months at my former apartment complex... in University City, MO, as of March 2020)... I went back there on 2/4/22, for a night (as of 10/25/20, I had been in room 213)... In a sense, I would label such a 'conquered hotel'... regarding my familiarity with such... The Ramada hotel (of East Orange, NJ) is something I am more inclined for, as of now..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz305) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

(a photo of some cheese sticks, at 6:11 PM... on 10/29/20, from the IHOP in Elizabeth, NJ, near the Extended Stay America hotel)


7:01 AM (3/20/22):
"Across the world, humans live in an array of edifices (apartments, houses, mansions, huts, and etcetera)... At their core, these structures consist of walls and beams... and their origins can trace their roots, to thousands of years ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:47 AM (3/20/22): 

"Intriguing scene from the movie 'Pocahontas'... In the spectrum of humans' existence, one wonders how in the early 1600's... there was little interaction, between peoples from differing continents... with each other... Yet, the exchanges between the conquistadors and the indigenous people... were not always amicable... potentially being a reflection, of what could happen... in the confrontation of humans, with extraterrestrials... that have some similarities, to our species..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Pocahontas meet John Smith - YouTube


6:38 AM (3/20/22):

(some eggs as of 6:22 AM, today... which were accompanied by a 'chili-like' substance... I ate the former, and passed on the latter)


9:54 PM (3/19/22):
"If one could visit another galaxy, I wonder if one would be able to return to this one... Perhaps such would be a 'one-way' trip, if anything... due to the fact that there are about 1,000,000 lightyears between each galaxy (ten times the width/diameter of our Milky Way galaxy)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

M83 - "By The Kiss" - YouTube 


9:49 PM (3/19/22): 
"Humorous video, I viewed not too long ago... Seeing from different perspectives, can be beneficial..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


9:46 PM (3/19/22):

"I was at the store earlier today (Forman Mills)... I ended up returning an item, and getting a blue shirt (for indoor wear)... aside from the long line, I began contemplating about my mission/purpose/destiny in life... aside from what I have already achieved, I often ask myself what I ought to..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


5:25 PM (3/19/22):

"I just got off the phone with my mom, moments ago... After speaking for about 3-5 minutes, I hung up... telling her that maybe she should 'spend the night, thinking about what I had just said to her'... regarding the fact, that she should have invited me to see where she and my middle brother, JJ, cohabit... over a year ago... and that just because she tells me to do something, I do not need to acquiesce to her demands... particularly, when there is no legitimate reason, for doing such... I reminded her that she is speaking to a grown adult (32 years old), because her moral framework is skewed... at best..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

TEXT WITH MOM (3/8/22) (


5:16 PM (3/19/22):

"The meal the female prepares in this video, seems significantly more appealing to my senses... than what I consumed, for dinner..." - Michael Izuchukwu

My favorite breakfast - YouTube 


5:01 PM (3/19/22):

"I had 2 burger patties with 2 bread slices (with some personal ketchup packs of mine, from Wendy's) not too long ago (at my dominion)... I suspect protein is more difficult for me to digest, nowadays..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:02 PM (3/19/22): 
"Interesting video (and video title) at Louisiana State University, that I just watched... I surmise that my middle brother, JJ (John Jr.), would have to have this dude's confidence level (he is presently 30 years old, and my mom attests that he graduated from Montclair State... as of 1/31/22)... to be relatable to me... in the context of having not seen him, since late 2018..." - Michael Izuchukwu 



11:46 AM (3/19/22): 

"Good question, Bitcoin Woman... Extraterrestrials may relate in terms of unions or groupings, but that may be the extent... of their internalization, of such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them..." - Genesis 1:27


"I wonder if extraterrestrial species (other than that of humans), believe in the concept... of marriage..." - Bitcoin Woman 


"On my dad's LinkedIn page, he liked Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Mark Cuban, Deepak Chopra, Richard Branson and Jeff Weiner..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see: (login may be required)


11:42 AM (3/19/22):

"On Earth, there are two genders of humans... male and female... One wonders, if on other worlds in the cosmos... there could be more than two... among potential extraterrestrial species, there could be... to encounter..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Towards the search for life on other earths | Sara Seager | TEDxCoconutGrove - YouTube 


"After consuming a turkey sandwich for lunch (after combining the meat from 2 sandwiches, and tossing away '2 of 4' breads slices... due to their rigidity)... I found this interesting link... I have often wondered about the intrinsic reasons, for why people get married..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE: "I had an orange, about an hour before such... and a few tortilla chips, after consuming the sandwich..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Bill Gates is all smiles while sitting courtside with TWO women (

"Which one do I go with...?" - Bill Gates
[Bill Gates, in the company of 2 women... at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament]
"Based off the tilt of the young female's head, she may be signaling..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:52 AM (3/19/22):

"My roommate at my dominion, is of 'ill repute' and consistently associates with a dude... who walks into our room, at odd hours of the day... asking to 'hold his phone'... My roommate only seems 'more competent' than this dude (who can be seen, showing his 'blubber' as he walks through the hallways... with no shirt), because he actually can distinguish numbers, upon seeing them displayed (after they are vocalized)... The 'dude' formerly wanted a delivery from McDonald's, but needed someone to tell him which numbers to dial... for such, to be done (his alternative option, was to have someone else... dial for him)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Psychotic roommate, who is utterly annoying... (East Orange, NJ - 9:39 AM, on 3/19/22) - YouTube


10:14 AM (3/19/22): "To my understanding, McDonald's does not do delivery..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:34 AM (3/19/22): "Interesting article, of a 109-year-old man... in Thailand... I had the initial impression, he was at least 150 years old..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Footage of a 109-year-old man in Thailand went viral. Now TikTok is flooded with hoaxes, memes, and misinformation about him. ( &

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz306) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 


6:46 AM (3/19/22): 

"Interesting TED talk... One learns something new, everyday... It's helpful to learn that which is intrinsically beneficial..." - Michael Izuchukwu

What Do You Want to Learn Today? The Power of Autonomy in Education | Devi Sahny | TEDxNTU - YouTube


10:40 PM (3/18/22): "A geographic map of Earth, which consists of 195 countries... on 7 continents (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia)


9:02 PM (3/18/22): "Indeed, Taylor... Perhaps if one lives in a certain 'mansion,' one becomes less 'efficient' with oneself... tied up in amassing earthly treasures, versus making spiritual investments..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:01 PM (3/18/22): 

"Well said..." - Taylor Swift


8:47 PM (3/18/22): 

"Certain burdens arise, when one engages in certain endeavors or undertakings... in life... One may have a compass for where one is supposed to go, but the mental or physical weight... of certain attachments, can detract from one's ability... to reach his/her destination... if such an individual, lacks focus..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:56 PM (3/18/22): 

"At 1:38-1:53 in this video (, I couldn't help but wonder about the implications... of when the 'mom' says, she is the CEO of a household... I suppose that just means that some homes are so lavish, they are more like compounds or estates... which could be thought of as 'establishments,' like companies..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Not sure if aging is reversible, but I do believe that 'asymptotic aging'... is... Informative TED talk..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Is Aging Reversible? A Scientific Look with David Sinclair | David Sinclair | TEDxBoston - YouTube 


7:29 PM (3/18/22): 

“To my understanding, the bible speaks of many ‘antichrists’... The word ‘anti’ can be used to express ‘contrast,’ or ‘opposition’... For instance, the antithesis of an action, is the opposite of such... Thus, if there were just ‘one’ antichrist... I suppose that would be someone who 'God the Father' viewed as a juxtaposition, to Jesus Christ... someone in relation to Him, but on an ‘opposing side’... not necessarily against Him, but performing a function that may seem contrary... to what God may have deemed ideal...” - Michael Izuchukwu (regarding 1 John 4, from the bible)

[A 'face in the clouds' at 9:09 AM, on 5/19/20... outside the window, of my former apartment... Such appeared to have a mask on (and 'shades'), and I hypothesized such was Jesus Christ... sending a message... given that He now performs the function of God, in the spirit realm]


7:26 PM (3/18/22):

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit… but test the spirits… to see whether they are from God… because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is from God… but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming… and even now, is already in the world…” – 1 John 4 (according to Jesus Christ)

Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents - YouTube


7:22 PM (3/18/22): "Imagine living on this planet, before the time of Jesus Christ... His intervention in the affairs of mankind, is what revolutionized the world... for over two millennia... The moral framework of many nations, is based off Jesus' teachings... which paved the way, for many technological breakthroughs... that were not possible, without spiritual fortification..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz303) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 


7:17 PM (3/18/22):

"It is our devotion to efficiency, that saves us..." - Joseph Conrad

"In the spectrum of human existence, there have been great marvels... regarding feats and achievements, in academic spheres... pertaining to our understanding of the world, we partake in... The further back in time one peers, the more there is to learn... about the natural world... giving rise, to fear..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:21 PM (3/18/22): "Seconds ago, I imagined myself at the Extended Stay America hotel... in Elizabeth, NJ... It's been 1 month & 13 days, since I filmed the following video..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz305) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

NOTE: "I wouldn't recommend filming inside a bathtub, because there is the risk of phone damage... from such potentially slipping, into the water..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:39 PM (3/18/22):

"Dinner at my dominion, was pleasant... Pork chops, spinach, potatoes and lemonade..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 4:13 PM, today)


3:28 PM (3/18/22):

"Nice song, by Bryson Tiller..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Bryson Tiller - Exchange - YouTube 


3:22 PM (3/18/22): 

"Interesting video, of two people jogging... I walk around a lot (given I have no vehicle, I take public transportation every now and then), but it's been a while since I have jogged... I prefer sprinting, though..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


3:21 PM (3/18/22): "A new video upload, to one of my TikTok accounts..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz306) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 


2:34 PM (3/18/22): 

"A juxtaposition of Angelina Jolie, Cindy Crawford and Meghan Markle (from left to right)... Meghan Markle's facial expression, seems to say, 'can you really believe this?' and then Angelina Jolie's gives off the response, 'you're kidding me...' Cindy Crawford's then replies, 'I just want to see, how this goes...'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:46 PM (3/18/22): 
"Interesting it is, how the 'real' Meghan Markle... contrasts from 'Dark Hat Markle'..." - Michael Izuchukwu



10:24 AM (3/18/22):

(a photo of a crew standing, as though they are waiting... for my middle brother, JJ, to show up to work)
NOTE: "This is purely theoretical, given the prior jobs JJ attested to having. When I had been cohabiting with him, at the Harclay House apartment complex... in East Orange, NJ (2017-2019), he was driving around at irregular times of day, saying he had a 'window cleaning' job..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:48 AM (3/18/22): 
"Intriguing TED talk, on whether or not it's in humans' best interest... to search for extraterrestrial life, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Why Should We Keep Looking for Alien Life? | Paula do Vale Pereira | TEDxBocaRaton - YouTube 


6:59 AM (3/18/22): "Interesting scene, from the 2014 movie 'Lucy'... I suppose that a certain level of awareness, only arises... after having endured many trials, and tribulations..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Lucy: Time is Unity (HD CLIP) - YouTube 


6:47 AM (3/18/22): "Interesting article, regarding animals that live a long time... perhaps they know the secret, of 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The longest-living animals on Earth ( 


12:03 AM (3/18/22): "Time is relative to the observer, as Albert Einstein formerly attested... In different parts of the universe, its flow is different... due to the curvature, of spacetime... I have always wondered why such laws bound the universe; God does work in mysterious ways..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(curvature of spacetime)

Gravitational time dilation on planet Mikal [Norwegian subtitle] - YouTube 


11:56 PM (3/17/22): 
"Interesting scene, from 'The Dark Knight (2008)'... Certain actions, can lead one down different paths... or trajectories, in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Dark Knight - #8 - Harvey becomes Two-Face - YouTube 


11:46 PM (3/17/22): 

"Just finished skimming through some Netflix movies ('Blood Diamond' and 'The Dark Knight,' among others)... I personally believe, that decade by decade... movies are collectively made, in a way where the ambience of them... contrasts with that, of the prior period..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


8:00 PM (3/17/22): 
"Introspection is often required, to reach new plateaus... of awareness... The path to heaven is paved with good intentions, but many will not meet the standard... which is necessary, to gain entry (in the context of worldly focus at the expense of spiritual fortification, according to Matthew 19:24... of the bible)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 19:24 

Stop saying "I can't understand" - YouTube


7:41 PM (3/17/22):
"Interesting videogame opening, to 'Morrowind: Elder Scrolls'... I played such a lot, in high school... Such enhanced my conceptualization of the 'limitless possibilities' of the real-world... in the context of the relationship, between the unknown... and the known..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Morrowind Intro and character creation - YouTube 

7:46 PM (3/17/22): "I recollect creating a 'Dark Elf' character, named 'Barbadus'... Perhaps there was a mysterious reason, for that..." - Michael Izuchukwu


 7:34 PM (3/17/22): "People change over time, in many ways... Each passing moment, one is different than the prior one... In a sense, a human plays a role on the stage of life... and if his/her 'character' development is sufficient... such progress formulates the foundation, for the next adventure..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Real You - Alan Watts - YouTube


5:47 PM (3/17/22): 

"A video of some buttery and garlicky, smoked shrimp... I have not had such, since my days in high school... when infrequent, 'celebratory gatherings' were held at my house... and a number of 'the finer foods in life'... had been acquired, for presentation and consumption..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"I recollect my mom telling me not to eat 'extra smoked shrimp,' after I was given about 3 pieces... then..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:54 PM (3/17/22): 

(photo of my roommate from 3:53 PM, today... stepping down from a drawer, that he was standing on... to snap photos of his clothes)


3:51 PM (3/17/22):

"Interesting video... It's better to have ideal health and longevity, than to squander such... and deal with the consequences, later..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Prevention is better, than the cure..." - Desiderius Erasmus

Yes, but it you live better #fypシ #foryoupage ( 


11:35 AM (3/17/22): "After engaging in my studies at Eastern Virginia Medical School (in a remote capacity), from 2016-2019... I did work there, in the summer of 2019... Given an associate of my dad's, had helped facilitate the financial aspect of my time there (whose name I cannot recollect, given my laptop had been involuntarily disabled... when I was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania... in the Fall of 2019)... I do not believe I have any debt from that institution, just like I have none from Rice University... where I had received a full scholarship, for my academic and athletic achievements... as of my graduation from Lafayette Senior High School... in 2008. I do have a few loans from Seton Hall University, though..." - Michael Izuchukwu

An otolaryngology residency at Emory ( &

The budget breakdown of a 26-year-old med student earning $28,000 in New York City: 'It's a tight squeeze' ( &


11:41 AM (3/17/22): "Assuming a medical school education costs around $200,000 on average... aside from receiving the 'Residency Offer notice' in the mail (on 10/11/20, at my former apartment), and there being no 'follow-up' mail (electronic or paper)... I suppose there is a benefit, to not having to address that figure..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:46 AM (3/17/22): "After my EVMS funds had been exhausted at my former apartment complex (for the 7 months I was there - March 2020 to October 2020), I got in contact with an uncle of mine (Uncle Chuka)... After the news of my dad's death on 10/8/20, he was willing to cover my stay at an Extended Stay America hotel... for about 3 weeks, as of 10/25/20... given he realized that there must have been some obstruction to my 'studies,' aside from the fact that my dad died... and he was disconnected from what I had been doing... at EVMS..." - Michael Izuchukwu



"Lunch was decent today... 2 sausage patties, and some noodles..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:44 AM (3/17/22): 

"My dad ('the one who raised me') was born in the town of Uke, Nigeria... on May 6, 1955... Such is in the Anambra state, and between 2011 and 2020... he made a number of trips, there...

...I have never been to Africa, and my dad never talked about his childhood... growing up, there... aside from his partaking in the game of soccer, and a dog he once had..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE – Who's Who Lifetime Achievement ( &

About | Michael Izuchukwu (

(a view of the Anambra state, of Nigeria... where the town of Uke, is located)
(the continent of Africa, within the 'red box')

[my dad (far left), with my Uncle Mickey (orange shorts) and two others... sometime between 2011 and 2020, in Africa]

(A neighborhood in the city of Onitsha, of Anambra state... in Nigeria)


7:06 AM (3/17/22): "Interesting link, about God..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(Cydonia, a region of Mars... resembling a human face)

6:10 AM (3/17/22): "In the summer of 2020, I had speculated that millions of years ago... the inhabitants of Mars, had to evacuate their world... likely due to an invasion, from extraterrestrials from another (in the cosmos)... Assuming their civilization occupied that planet, for 15,000 years or so... they may have harnessed the technology required, to leave our galaxy (assuming, they did not cross... to the other side)...

...if this is so, then the Martians may have had physiology, slightly resemblant to that of humans (just as the Kryptonians kind of look like Earthlings, in the 'Superman' TV series)... Assuming that is in fact a 'face on Mars,' then such could be a warning from Martians... to not venture too far, into the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu
6:14 AM (3/17/22): "...a 'burial ground' for a fallen Martian, perhaps..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:28 AM (3/17/22): "Someone could be on Mars, and be in need of a shipment of shrimp and egg rolls... but that could prove challenging, given one wonders if humans would transport many microwaves and ovens... with them, to that world... if they were there, long-term..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[It is a statistical certainty, that if our universe is populated with other variations of lifeforms (other than the extraterrestrial race/species of humans/Homo Sapiens), that there is a species out there... in the likeness of the extraterrestrial... of the 1982 film 'E.T. the Extraterrestrial']


"Interesting article, from December 2021... Sometimes, things are not always... as they seem... This observation reminded me of how there is a face on Mars, in a region known as Cydonia..." - Michael Izuchukwu

China's Yutu 2 rover spots a 'mystery hut' on the far side of the moon ( 


6:00 AM (3/17/22): "I had an orange for breakfast, about 10 minutes ago... and was reminded of this song..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Ennio Morricone- MIssion to Mars - YouTube 

6:01 AM (3/17/22): "If humans were to live on other worlds of the cosmos, they would need to be able to eat foods... which could be grown on them... If anything, processed foods from Earth... would be 'relatively scarce,' given the cost and time, for shipment..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:14 PM (3/16/22): "Blog update I just made... I surmise that if time passes, but one is less affected by such than others (regarding the physiological effects, of its passage)... then one is moving through spacetime... at a different rate, than others... at the 'subatomic' level..." - Michael Izuchukwu



5:40 PM (3/16/22): “I made a mental note (moments ago), that somehow… I must have traveled a lightyear ‘through spacetime’… given that a hypothesis of mine… is that each human moves through such, at differing rates… Specifically, there is a ‘standard rate’ and a ‘variable rate,’ the latter being based off one’s caloric expenditure and the amount of work (joules) one does… daily (in the context of ‘mental and physical’ movement, which is a measure of spiritual fortification)… while the former is just an aspect, of time’s flow (second by second)…” – Michael Izuchukwu 

Visualizing Time Dilation - YouTube


5:08 PM (3/16/22): 
"Entrancing song, which I have not listened to in years... I just reconnected, with such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Two Steps From Hell - Enchantress - YouTube 


5:03 PM (3/16/22): 
"Captivating scene, from the 2001 movie 'A Beautiful Mind'... Sometimes, one has to take an unconventional route to arrive at certain destinations... which may lead to confrontation, by unforeseen obstacles..." - Michael Izuchukwu

John Nash's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech [English Subtitles] - YouTube 


4:58 PM (3/16/22):

"Interesting soundtrack, that is partially reflective of 'To the Stars'... in the movie 'Dragonheart'... as well as 'Titan's Spirit,' of the movie 'Remember the Titans'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NBC Olympics Closing Credits Soundtrack - YouTube &

To The Stars (Dragonheart/Soundtrack Version) - YouTube & 

To The Stars (Dragonheart/Soundtrack Version) - YouTube


4:46 PM (3/16/22):

"When following the path, to the fulfillment of one's endeavors... one finds there may be resistance along the way, which may be advantageous or detrimental... in the long run... In the course of spacetime, there are those who may serve as catalysts for 'dream attainment'... and those who slow, one's momentum... Spirituality plays a big role, in whether or not one succeeds... or fails..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:37 PM (3/16/22): 

"Interesting video, of a female traveling alone... and cooking salmon, one of my favorite foods... Since the Spring of 2019, I have had many interstate expeditions (in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Missouri)... as well as having traversed many miles, on foot... in a fashion of solitude..." - Michael Izuchukwu  

Why You Should Travel Alone - YouTube 


4:31 PM (3/16/22):



12:09 PM (3/16/22): 

"You know there's a dude, training to defeat us... right?" - Teddy Tamgho (to Christian Taylor), 2013

"I was reminded of the triple jumper, Teddy Tamgho (by the name 'Letsile Tebogo')... In 2013 (at the World Championships, in Moscow, Russia), Teddy triple jumped 18.04 meters (59'2")... and he was wearing the numbers '473' (as seen at 5:56)... which correspond to my high school triple jumping distance of 47'3" (14.40 meters), set in 2008..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Teddy Tamgho's 2013 world championships full contest (18.04m) - YouTube &

Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records ( &

Michael Izuchukwu - Men's Track & Field - Rice University Athletics ( - see 'bio' and 'historical' sections [errors here are my height, which is 6'4" (not 6'3"), hometown name, which is Wildwood, MO (not 'Widwood, MO'), and my mom's name, which is Michele (not 'Michelle')]


11:41 AM (3/16/22): "Interesting video, of Letsile Tebogo... a Botswana sprinter, who has been heralded as the 'next Usain Bolt'... although, there are other contenders... When I think about track and field, I personally believe that having partaken in that sport (as of the 4th grade, till my junior year at Rice University... and then in an unofficial/unattached capacity, thereafter)... my spiritual fortification was strengthened, aside from the improvement of my physicality (both of these variables, positively impact one's mentality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Letsile Tebogo - Next Usain Bolt ● HD ● - YouTube & 

Letsile TEBOGO | Profile | World Athletics &


"Upon googling Letsile Tebogo, I noticed that his country name was misspelled as 'Motswana'... 'Botswana' is a country, north of South Africa... there are many countries, on the continent... of Africa (54 in totality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Botswana - Google Maps

11:48 AM (3/16/22): "Usain Bolt won gold at the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympics... held in Beijing, China... London, England... and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil... respectively..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Usain Bolt's Triple-Triple: The Ultimate Gold Medal Compilation | NBC Sports - YouTube


8:12 AM (3/16/22):

"A video of a woman being proactive, regarding her agenda for the day... Ideally, each successive one... is more productive, than the prior..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:06 AM (3/16/22):

(a look outside my window, at 8:04 AM... today)


8:01 AM (3/16/22): "My attitude towards my roommate, at my dominion..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


9:15 PM (3/15/22): An introspective video, by Carl Sagan... helping one better understand, the implications of our universe's creation... out of 'something,' other than 'nothing'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The uncertainty of God (Carl Sagan in cosmos series) - YouTube 


9:03 PM (3/15/22):
"I heard this song playing in ShopRite, the other day... Quite catchy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Arlo Parks - Hope (lyrics) - YouTube 


8:56 PM (3/15/22):
"Interesting video, of the preparation of many chicken fajita, peppers and onions... Something tasty..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Reply to @jibekazizkyzy i got you! #mealprep #cooking #dailyvlog #healthyfood #collegecooking #bulk ( 


6:46 PM (3/15/22): "Some scribbles of my roommate, from 6:38 PM... today... When I was in the first grade, my literacy level was higher..." - Michael Izuchukwu




3:42 PM (3/15/22): "My roommate keeps talking to himself, throughout the day... and has a feeble memory; he can't remember to turn off the lights (which I have to repeatedly do, due to his forgetfulness), and keeps leaving the door open (which I have to repeatedly close, when he exits the room)... He has no self-respect for himself, and was thinking of looking for a job as a 'bus boy' or 'bartender,' even though he formerly said he has to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings... I often think to myself, if we lived in a world with no laws... he would have been a 'dead man,' a long time ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

ROOMATE #2 (East Orange, NJ) (

3:47 PM (3/15/22): "I suspect my roommate has a low intelligence quotient, and barely got out of high school (assuming, he did not flunk)... He is '28-years-old,' to my understanding (his claim, a few months ago)" - Michael Izuchukwu


3:37 PM (3/15/22): "Everyone enters this life, and eventually exits... Many do not contemplate the implications of this sentiment, given that they are too preoccupied with the 'here and now'... and would rather wait till uncertainty arises, instead of being prepared... for such..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:43 PM (3/15/22): "It has been said that given there are about 7.9 billion people on Earth (as of 2022), from a statistical standpoint... there is probably a doppelganger ('eerie, real-life look-alike') of someone... out there, in the world... somewhere... Nevertheless, crossing paths with such an individual... is likely less probable or alarming, than some conflicts that one may encounter... in regions of the world, where cultures and languages... differ, from one's own... The collective consciousness of a nation, can impact the reality... that one experiences, in such... when juxtaposing the first, second and third world..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Blood Diamond - "God Left This Place A Long Time Ago" - YouTube &

Witches and wizards on Display flying around in congo \ if not recorded - YouTube ('somewhere in Africa')


12:24 PM (3/15/22/): "I awoke from a long nap, and upon seeing the following... I concluded that the clothes one wears, can not only influence the way one feels about oneself... but perhaps, the vibe one gives off... to others, from afar..." - Michael Izuchukwu



9:32 AM (3/15/22): "I was on the phone with my mom, when leaving the Brick Church train station... and heading to ShopRite... I remarked about some of the text exchanges I had with JJ, on this blog: TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/14/22) ( ...She gave the impression that 'all was well,' even though she said there was no 'official seal (from Montclair State)' on JJ's transcript... when I inquired, about the document he attests to have e-mailed her..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:30 AM (3/15/22):

"Time is the river, in which humans flow... What one focuses on, can influence... where one goes..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Twilight New Moon Soundtrack - Possibility - YouTube 


9:23 AM (3/15/22):
"I went to the Brick Church train station, for the second day in a row... to see if I could catch the 8:49 AM train... to South Orange, NJ... The train times may have been modified from what is displayed on the NJ transit schedule, so I just went to ShopRite... before returning, to my dominion..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


6:55 AM (3/15/22):

"The diameter of our solar system is about 5.58 trillion miles... but given there are about 5.87 trillion miles, in a lightyear... that indicates that traveling at the speed of light for a year (about 186,000 miles per second), one would cover a bit more distance than such... if one went from end of our solar system, to the other..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"On November 5, 2018, the Voyager 2 space probe officially left our solar system (after having left the heliosphere, and entered interstellar space)... Such was launched on August 20, 1977, so that just gives perspective of how vast our solar system is... based off the speed such was traveling at, for that duration... of time (about 35,000 miles per hour)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



6:41 AM (3/15/22):

"Peaceful song, that makes one speculate whether or not there is life in the clouds... of other exoplanets ('worlds outside our solar system'), in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Aphex Twin - Rhubarb (Full Track Loop) - YouTube


6:29 AM (3/15/22):

"A photo of me standing by the entrance to the Ramada hotel (of East Orange, NJ), in February 2020... In the prior video, at the end... the lyrics sound like the words 'Ramada'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:20 AM (3/15/22):
"I personally believe, that the way one perceives and interacts with food (one's disposition towards such, as well as cooking familiarity), is partially a reflection of one's approach... to mathematics... There is a connection between the hypothalamus (a part of the brain, which regulates hunger), and the endorphin release... which is affiliated with certain successes, at one's endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu (interesting video, of a dude cooking food... the manner in which he does such, seems 'orchestrated'... and music is often a reflection of mathematical relationships, across the world... in differing cultures)


1:14 AM (3/15/22):

"I surmise that the ability to perceive the reality we partake in, through a 'higher dimensional lens'... attests to one possessing a degree of curiosity, about the natural world... that only arises once one has established a certain framework, by which his/her cognitive faculties... are compartmentalized..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Cosmos - Carl Sagan - 4th Dimension - YouTube 


1:06 AM (3/15/22): 
"In the flow of spacetime, one cannot help but take note of the fact... that one is constantly moving towards a particular destination... even when one, is standing still... Time's flow never ceases, and thus... such is a reference frame, for how well one is thriving... in the context of spacetime (the three spatial dimensions of length, width and height/depth in relation to time... the fourth dimension)... In a sense, given that each human is like a vector (with magnitude and direction)... aside from physical movement... movement through time (which may be subtly variable, for each person) could be an aspect of 'spiritual movement'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

CARL SAGAN - A Way of Thinking - YouTube 


9:25 PM (3/14/22):

(a photo of a 'Mickey Mouse Meal' from the summer of 2020... Certain foods can provide the right energization, for the day)


9:17 PM (3/14/22): "Interesting scene, from the 2012 movie 'Silver Linings Playbook'... I used to jog quite a bit, in my old neighborhood... when in high school, and training in the offseason... for track and field (I also did cross country my sophomore and junior year)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Silver Linings Playbook - Jogging Scene - YouTube 


9:07 PM (3/14/22):

"Interesting video, of a dude jogging and beginning his morning routine/daily agenda... Everyday is a new one, to pursue goals and dreams... along a path, to their fulfillment..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


6:04 PM (3/14/22): "Communication is a key aspect, of many fields of endeavor... in life... the ability to articulate oneself, succinctly, has mathematical roots... The following is an interesting TED talk, although the speaker has the habit of 'making a sound' with her mouth, as though something is being clasped... or food is being smacked..." - Michael Izuchukwu

It's Not Manipulation, It's Strategic Communication | Keisha Brewer | TEDxGeorgetown - YouTube &

Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


5:42 PM (3/14/22): 

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known..." - Carl Sagan 

[photo of a spiral galaxy... there are at least 125 billion (125,000,000,000) galaxies in the 'observable universe'... and it's estimated that this figure is at least 16 times greater (2 trillion - 2,000,000,000,000) for the 'greater portion']...


5:37 PM (3/14/22): "Interesting TED talk, on astrobiology... and the quest for life, beyond Earth... which could be manifested, in a myriad of forms..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Astrobiology: The Search for Life Beyond Earth | Marta Filipa Cortesão | TEDxUniversityOfPorto - YouTube 


5:32 PM (3/14/22): "Interesting scene, from the 2018 movie 'The Predator'... In such, Olivia Munn's character gives off the persona of a 'genius Asian' who is relating to the field, of astrobiology... I have contemplated about that career path, in the past..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

THE PREDATOR Clip - "Alien Technology" (2018) - YouTube


4:56 PM (3/14/22): "Not sure what to say, but if JJ really had the income he claims... he likely would have finished his undergraduate years, long ago (assuming there is legitimacy to such)... Something's amiss..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/14/22) ( 


3:42 PM (3/14/22):

"Came back from Wendy's, moments ago... and acquired this crispy chicken sandwich, which has since been consumed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 3:30 PM, today)


1:58 PM (3/14/22): "I engaged in cellular text with my middle brother, JJ, once again... and I am certain that he is lying, about his academic accreditation... in the context of his lack of enthusiasm for schooling, his obscurity for the past 4 years (as of this Fall), and his 'sarcasm'... when addressing the subject of his transcript, and diploma..." - Michael Izuchukwu
TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/14/22) ( 


1:23 PM (3/14/22):
"I recently began to speculate about what makes humans unique... given that on Judgment Day, Jesus Christ will assess us... to ascertain whether or not we are worthy, of entry... to the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to Jesus Christ)

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt… and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt… and where thieves do not break through, nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be… also…” – Matthew 6:19-21 (according to Jesus Christ) "A video with the caption 'home addiction'... A house is built of walls and beams, while a home is made with love and dreams... so by 'home,' the word 'house' is intended..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:14 PM (3/14/22): "Interesting piece by Mozart... Certain classical compositions, are like catalysts... for the mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante - YouTube 


1:09 PM (3/14/22):
"Interesting basketball video... Such may be partially reflective, of the 'bystander effect' at work... in a sense..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Strangers basketball fail compilation 🏀 ! - YouTube


10:35 AM (3/14/22):

"Interesting development..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TEXT WITH JJ (3/10/22 - 3/14/22) (


9:57 AM (3/14/22):

(some strawberry peach applesauce, from 9:21 AM... today)


9:50 AM (3/14/22): 
"I went for a brief walk, not too long ago... My intent was to go to South Orange, NJ, but the train never arrived at 8:49 AM... as that slot on the NJ Transit, was scheduled for... so I returned to my dominion..." - Michael Izuchukwu

At the Brick Church train station, awaiting a train... which never arrived... (8:49 AM, 3/14/22) - YouTube


7:43 AM (3/14/22): 
"My middle brother, JJ, just texted me... saying that my mom had shown me his transcript... when I corrected him, saying that such was a photo of his diploma... and that he ought to know, the difference..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:34 AM (3/14/22): 
"Interesting article, on Albert Einstein's 143rd birthday..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Black holes are where God divided by zero..." - Albert Einstein

"The author miscalculated Albert Einstein's birthday..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Einstein admitted it as the biggest blunder of his life ( 


11:59 PM (3/13/22): "Documentation, of the debt on the home... I used to live in, in Chesterfield, MO (3rd to 12th grade)...  


My dad worked at Mallinckrodt from 1998 to 2001, so I always wondered how such was addressed... given he was not working in an active capacity, thereafter... My mom got her bachelor of science in pharmacy, on 5/15/04... from Saint Louis College of Pharmacy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

John Izuchukwu - Core Devices Inc. - Accidents / Injuries / Safety Expert Witness (


8:16 PM (3/13/22): "Interesting video, of a person doing calculus problems... There are many subjects in mathematics, that serve as a means... of comprehending our world, in unconventional ways... Such can be time-consuming, but practice makes perfect... I believe there is some intrinsic value, with being mathematically literate (given such is a language)... for those who seek to optimize their livelihoods, in the context of the spirit, mind and body... The concept of ethnomathematics, likely impacts our world... significantly..." - Michael Izuchukwu & 



8:13 PM (3/13/22): "Given that a creation is typically a subset, of a creator... I do not believe an equation for God, can aptly describe what 'God' is... regarding the spiritual entity, that is Jesus Christ's Father... Nevertheless, Jesus Christ now performs his function... which promotes the notion, that 'God the Father' now operates... in a more efficient capacity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michio Kaku on The God Equation | Closer To Truth Chats - YouTube 


8:06 PM (3/13/22): "Interesting movie, that I first heard of... when a Rice University student (2008-2010)... I haven't been to movie theatres in years, and I haven't played videogames... since 2013... but I attribute such instances, to me becoming more exploratory/mobile... in the 3-dimensional world, I partake in..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Watchmen I Am Tired Of Earth...with subtitles - YouTube 


7:23 PM (3/13/22): "I had dinner not too long ago, and decided to supplement such... with a crispy chicken from Wendy's... shortly after..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 7:08 PM, today... the ketchup has been utilized infrequently by me, in prior Wendy's visitations)



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